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By hustler
I could use my CD rates to rise where they were once, 16.9%. Now those interest checks could buy something.
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By Boro Friend
Pheadrus who are you kidding. You really need to get over yourself. I don't take my cue from socialists.... The government has been calculating the inflation rate minus the food and fuel costs for some time. It is deliberately dishonest. But you already knew that because you know everything.
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By FreeBird
Turnpike wrote:We as a nation have been asleep. We've allowed the Progressives to dominate governance, implement entitlement programs, implement a privately own one bank monetary system, destroy our borders, and loose global respect. The entitlement programs they started will consume 100% of our countries wealth in 20 years. This is no accident, Progressive need to bankrupt our nation. Once our nation is collapsed and broke, public fear will set in that the Progressive will magnify, and hunger will be ramped because of hyper inflation, as has happened in the 1930s. Back in the 30's we lost 50% of our freedom and all of our ability to control our monetary banking system. They'er doing it again, this time they'er going for broke to cash in on total control. But with a global economy, we all go down. The way the administration has gone after the problem of our economy has lengthen the time line of the problem, as did FDR in the 30's. They have dug a hole to rely on loans deeper enslaving us to a foreign countries. Now they are selling off our countries wealth which will leave us at a point were we will not be able to defend ourselves. In a Progressives eyes, I'm being a fear monger, not a truth teller. If so, why is the administration allowing to happen what is talked about in the video? If the Progressives have done such a good job, then the programs they got implemented are fine and there is no problems with their operation. ... r_embedded

I agree Turnpike. Vote Ron Paul in 2012. I believe he is this country's only hope. Chances are anyone else running will be more of the same.
By Leginald
FreeBird wrote:
Turnpike wrote:We as a nation have been asleep. We've allowed the Progressives to dominate governance, implement entitlement programs, implement a privately own one bank monetary system, destroy our borders, and loose global respect. The entitlement programs they started will consume 100% of our countries wealth in 20 years. This is no accident, Progressive need to bankrupt our nation. Once our nation is collapsed and broke, public fear will set in that the Progressive will magnify, and hunger will be ramped because of hyper inflation, as has happened in the 1930s. Back in the 30's we lost 50% of our freedom and all of our ability to control our monetary banking system. They'er doing it again, this time they'er going for broke to cash in on total control. But with a global economy, we all go down. The way the administration has gone after the problem of our economy has lengthen the time line of the problem, as did FDR in the 30's. They have dug a hole to rely on loans deeper enslaving us to a foreign countries. Now they are selling off our countries wealth which will leave us at a point were we will not be able to defend ourselves. In a Progressives eyes, I'm being a fear monger, not a truth teller. If so, why is the administration allowing to happen what is talked about in the video? If the Progressives have done such a good job, then the programs they got implemented are fine and there is no problems with their operation. ... r_embedded

I agree Turnpike. Vote Ron Paul in 2012. I believe he is this country's only hope. Chances are anyone else running will be more of the same.

lol, I hope you are joking. Do you have any idea how insane Ron Paul is? I'm guessing no, since you are willingly choosing to support him.
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By Phaedrus
The Boskin Commission correctly identified problems in the measurement of the CPI. These were corrected and, yes, that led to a lowering of the calculated value of inflation. The adjusted CPI represents a more accurate estimate of the cost-of-living. Needwork has chosen to believe otherwise, as is his right, but I note the tone of a conspiracy theorist in his writing. These corrections to CPI are accepted in the field of economics and not only in the United States.

Ron Paul may describe fiat as insanity, but I can describe the gold standard as fetishism. Big deal. Either system has policy implications and the acceptance of one over the other is really a discussion of the policy implications and a sense of what "standards" should prevail in governance. People who are anti-government like the gold standard because it imposes limitations that suit their personality and view of how the world should be. However, the constant whine of calamity should their view not be upheld points to the emotional rather than rational under-pinnings of their theories.
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By FreeBird
Leginald wrote:
FreeBird wrote:
Turnpike wrote:We as a nation have been asleep. We've allowed the Progressives to dominate governance, implement entitlement programs, implement a privately own one bank monetary system, destroy our borders, and loose global respect. The entitlement programs they started will consume 100% of our countries wealth in 20 years. This is no accident, Progressive need to bankrupt our nation. Once our nation is collapsed and broke, public fear will set in that the Progressive will magnify, and hunger will be ramped because of hyper inflation, as has happened in the 1930s. Back in the 30's we lost 50% of our freedom and all of our ability to control our monetary banking system. They'er doing it again, this time they'er going for broke to cash in on total control. But with a global economy, we all go down. The way the administration has gone after the problem of our economy has lengthen the time line of the problem, as did FDR in the 30's. They have dug a hole to rely on loans deeper enslaving us to a foreign countries. Now they are selling off our countries wealth which will leave us at a point were we will not be able to defend ourselves. In a Progressives eyes, I'm being a fear monger, not a truth teller. If so, why is the administration allowing to happen what is talked about in the video? If the Progressives have done such a good job, then the programs they got implemented are fine and there is no problems with their operation. ... r_embedded

I agree Turnpike. Vote Ron Paul in 2012. I believe he is this country's only hope. Chances are anyone else running will be more of the same.

lol, I hope you are joking. Do you have any idea how insane Ron Paul is? I'm guessing no, since you are willingly choosing to support him.

Ron Paul is a constitutionalists. He believes in the type of government that the founding fathers put in place. They were very wise for their years having had all the experience with the British. It's pretty sad that this country is so far into socialism that someone who believes in strictly following the constitution, smaller government, more power to the people is radical. He is the only guy in there that has never voted for anything unconstitutional. The only guy with the guts to stand up and say what is really going on. He is so blunt that yes, it does scare people, but the really scary thing is he is spot on with everything he is saying. We are heading for a dollar crisis. This country cannot keep heading the way it is heading or we are going to crash.
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By Phaedrus
It is not possible for a human being to be "spot on with everything they are saying." However, it is possible to get a large number of people to beleive that you are. Such is the nature of faith over reason.
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By paesano
Phaedrus wrote:It is not possible for a human being to be "spot on with everything they are saying." However, it is possible to get a large number of people to beleive that you are. Such is the nature of faith over reason.

I need a new pair of FLIP FLOPS for my shore house this season. :P
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By FreeBird
Phaedrus wrote:It is not possible for a human being to be "spot on with everything they are saying." However, it is possible to get a large number of people to beleive that you are. Such is the nature of faith over reason.

The concept is easier to understand when one understands basic economics, is paying attention and sees it all happening. If things keep heading in the direction they are heading, both liberal and neoconservatives, there is a good chance that most of us will be alive to see Ron Paul's predictions coming true.
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