By Stud Leee
Ronnie be happy you have a job. Neumann could bring in Mexican immigrants and pay them a fraction of what you make.
By Stud Leee
I like how they are trying to spin this now. Leslye was in such a hurry to leave. She said she was leaving "immediately". So immediately that she couldn't wait for the USPS to deliver her resignation letter. She had to have it over-nighted.

Now she realizes she's a weasel, but she might need another job someday. So NOW she's willing to stay for a transition period. Just go. We don't need you.
By ronnie
For me, I'm greatfull that i have two part time jobs to make ends meet. I make more money in two days delivering moon bounces then I make in two weeks at work.
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By 2sTheLimit
Stud Leee wrote:I like how they are trying to spin this now. Leslye was in such a hurry to leave. She said she was leaving "immediately". So immediately that she couldn't wait for the USPS to deliver her resignation letter. She had to have it over-nighted.

Now she realizes she's a weasel, but she might need another job someday. So NOW she's willing to stay for a transition period. Just go. We don't need you.

Don't speak too quickly. Without any captain at the helm, we might have more trouble than we need. Even though it is summer, things need to be ready for fall, for our kids. AM is not ready to head this post, not by a long shot.
By Stud Leee
AM's not ready to head the taco bell drive thru. I agree with you there.
By ronnie
Well I know AM. And she has two beautiful kids that she cares for. And cares about the education that they have. And she does have a concern for all of the kids. I think that if she does apply for that position, things would change for the better. We would have the right person for the job.
By Stud Leee
ronnie wrote:Well I know AM. And she has two beautiful kids that she cares for. And cares about the education that they have. And she does have a concern for all of the kids. I think that if she does apply for that position, things would change for the better. We would have the right person for the job.

Ronnie, you don't know Alexis McGloin.
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By Atarotangel
Ronnie please know that I like you but sometimes you really need to think before opening your mouth. First off the woman ran this district for 10 years. She didn't just sit behind a desk. She had degrees to perform the job at hand. It was time for her to move on just as it is time for the solicitor and a few board members to also move on. As for the care of her mother she lives in Georgia in a nursing home. Ms Aburtyn placed herself in a no win situation and knew her time had come to leave the district. The administrative staff that is in place will help with the transition till a new Superintendent can be found. I don't think that should be a step taken quickly. A true search of a qualifyed individual will take a bit of time. I do however find that the quick exit from the district by LA leaves quite a few questions unanswered. I guess maybe it was better than being fired. The people and others had lost total confidence in her leadership.
By ronnie
Sorry, I have never heard of this girl you mention. Who is she and what is her credability?
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