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By nick
A regular meeting of the Parkside Borough Council was held in the Borough Council Chambers located at 22 E. Elbon Road, Parkside, PA on the above date. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Council Vice President Frank McCollum. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll was called with the following in attendance:
Messrs: Gordon McCollum Engineer Catania
File-Barlow Howell, B. Solicitor Wills
Bull Stamis Treasurer Possenti
Howell, V. Chief Egan Secretary Higgins

President Purcival and Mr. Kilgallen were both absent from the meeting for previous commitments.

Mr. Howell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bull, to accept the Minutes of the September 28, 2011 Council Meeting, as amended at this meeting; motion carried.

Mr. Howell requested that the Minutes of the 9/28/11 be changed with regard to a comment made by Mr. Bill Cropper of 222 East Avon Road. Mr. Howell suggested the comment be changed to “Ordinance 495 under “disorderly conduct” would not be appropriate because he does not believe it includes private property.” Upon questioning Mr. Cropper at the 10/26/11 meeting, Mr. Cropper indicated he said what was written in the 9/28/11 Minutes, and not what Mr. Howell suggested. Therefore, Mr. Cropper’s comments stand, as written, in the 9/28/11 Minutes. (“Ordinance 495 under “disorderly conduct” would not be appropriate because it does not include private property.”)

Correspondence Report: (Linda Higgins)
The following funds were received during the month (September 2011):
1) License & Inspections $ 3,012.00
2) Police Department – Reports/Misc. 30.00
3) Court Financial Services – restitution 10.63
4) Community Day Profits 334.00
5) North Central Hwy – Aggressive Driving WAVE 2 1,193.67

Tax Collection
Tax Claim Bureau 2,131.68
Tax Collector – Olivia Avila-Deitman 4,816.78
CENTAX – Earned Income Tax 12,378.57

Regional Court
District Court 664.48

Total income for September 2011 = $ 24,571.81

The Secretary read a thank-you note from Linda Strickland, Parkside Elementary School teacher that recently retired. Ms. Strickland thanked Council for honoring her at their September 2011 Council Meeting.

The Secretary read a letter from PENDOT informing the Borough that the estimated Liquid Fuels (ACT 655) allocation for 2012 is $ 39,324.92.

The Secretary read a letter from DEP to Kevin Kan of the American Auto Wash, Inc. on Edgmont Avenue. The DEP has given specifications on how and when they want the gasoline tanks at that location removed.

Mayor’s Report: (Ardele Gordon)

Total calls for the month = 129. Leading categories: Assist other police agencies – 21; domestic disturbances – 16; fights, disturbances – 8. Total traffic violations for the month = 46. Leading categories: red traffic signal violations – 13; Obedience to traffic control devices – 11; non-use of restraint system – 15. Offenses reported = 8.
Leading categories: thefts – 7; fraud – 1. Arrests = 4. Leading categories: D.U.I. – 3; public drunkenness – 1. Total non-traffic offenses = 1.

The Mayor did report that next week is Halloween. Extra police patrols in cars and bikes will be on duty for mischief night and Halloween night. Any Borough children wishing to have their candy checked by the police department can stop by the Borough Hall Halloween night.

President’s Report: (Shirley Purcival) Progress

Public Safety Report: (Dave Favinger)

Fire Marshal – Mr. Favinger completed 26 rental inspections and three Use & Occupancy inspections during the month. He did attend a meeting at the County involving FEMA.

Code Enforcement – The following property maintenance issues were addressed during the month: 1200 Mulberry Street – citation for running scrap business out of residential property; 2708 Edgmont Avenue, Apt. A declared unfit for human occupancy; 2802 Edgmont Avenue, Apt. B declared unfit for human occupancy (the owner has made repairs and the apartment is now okay); several high grass issues throughout the month were addressed; Matthew Harper (owner of 132 E. Chelton Road was notified that his property must be up to Code by October 7th….he informed Mr. Favinger the house has been sold and settlement should be within a week or so.

License & Inspections – Fourteen building permits, six plumbing permits and two mechanical permits were issued for the month.

Police Report: (Frank McCollum)

Vice President McCollum reported general maintenance to all police vehicles during the month.

Public Works/Buildings & Grounds Report: (Doug Bull)

Mr. Bull reported that the leaf pickup schedule for 2011 will be posted on the door of the Borough building and on the Borough website.

The 25 MPH speed limit signs will be posted on Beechwood Road in the very near future.

Ordinance Report: (Jim Kilgallen) Progress

Finance Report: (Bill Howell)

Mr. Howell made a motion, seconded by Ms. File-Barlow, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted; motion carried.

Mr. Howell made a motion, seconded by Ms. File-Barlow, to pay the bills when properly approved; motion carried.

Mr. Howell reported that he has not yet received a copy of the preliminary budget. He did request the Borough Secretary to contact Mr. Possenti and have him e-mail a copy of the preliminary budget to Council Members.

Mr. Howell reported that he and Chief Egan have been e-mailing each other back and forth with regard to Ordinance 495 (Firearms). The review of the Ordinance is still on-going by Council.

Recreation Report: (Jackie File-Barlow) Progress

Website/Communications Report: (Jason Stamis)

Mr. Stamis reported there are many pictures of the Parkside Borough Community Day posted on the Borough website. He also informed that he will be posting the 2011 Leaf Pick-up Schedule on the website as soon as possible.

Junior Councilperson Report: (Victoria Howell)

Ms. Howell will be trying to get youth from the Borough to help with the leaf pickup progress.

Tax Collector Report: (Olivia Avila-Deitman)

The Tax Collector turned-over a total of $1,540.15 to the Treasurer for the month. To date, a total of $692,824.66 has been collected. There are 47 properties outstanding.

Engineer’s Report: (Lisa Catania)

Mr. Bull made a motion, seconded by Mr. Stamis, to adopt Resolution No. 1685 authorizing the Engineer to apply for the PECO Green Region Grant; motion carried.

The Grant will be applied for to finish work done at Ilg Island. A plaque for police and fire emergency services needs to be erected at the Island. The deadline for applying for this Grant is 11/18/11.

Ms. File-Barlow made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bull, to approve a change order for the Woodlot work in the amount of $4,190.00; motion carried.

At the front of the Woodlot property there is a chain-link fence that needs landscaping. An acknowledgment of the Grants used to beautify this area will appear on a piece of wood added under the existing sign. The total contract, after change orders is now $34,675.00.

Ms. Catania indicated applications for the CDBG Program will be released soon. She suggests the Borough request funding for resurfacing as well as repair of drainage problem on West Chelton Road.

Solicitor’s Report: (Jay Wills)

Mr. Wills reported that he and Mr. Favinger attended a hearing in the Court of Common Pleas on Monday, 10/24/11 regarding the property at 25 West Roland Road. It was reported to the Court that there has been substantial work done on cleaning up the home. The only exception is the daughter’s bedroom. The Judge has given the homeowners until next month to have the entire property brought up to Code and the court case finalized.

Mr. Wills reported that Mr. DiSaverio (a landlord to several properties in the Borough) is scheduled for Court in Media on 11/9/11. This is regarding several citations issued for failure to obtain Use & Occupancy permits for several of his rental properties.

Spectra Energy/Texas Eastern Pipeline has requested permission for 50,000 GW trucks to have access to the Woodlot through Borough property. The representatives from this Company were present at the Council Meeting in case anyone had any questions.

Unfinished Business:

Vice President McCollum reminded everyone that any work being done to a property within the Borough of Parkside should be permitted by one of our Inspectors prior to the work starting. This is actually for the benefit and protection of the homeowner.


Tom Trout of 232 East Roland Road asked Mr. Howell how to proceed with having Ordinance No. 495 reviewed, revised and adopted. He would like to know where Council stands on this topic. Mr. Trout indicated that it has been 14 months since the Ordinance was first presented and many man-hours and close to $1000 has been spent. He noted that several residents on his street (East Roland Road) are sick of waiting on this Ordinance. Mr. Trout indicated it is beyond his comprehension that it should take more then 14 months to pass an ordinance. Can someone tell him what the status of this Ordinance is.

Mr. Howell indicated the bill has been decidedly defeated twice. After the first time, Council worked on the Ordinance and it was defeated again, the second time it was presented. Mr. Howell indicated there is a perception that the Chief’s and his Department’s hands are tied in this situation without the Ordinance. Mr. Howell feels current laws can be enforced for this situation. Mr. Howell informed that he has not let the topic drop, however, he does not want to jump into something he does not believe in.

Mr. Trout indicated he takes serious the time spent on this and he feels it was a waste of time and money for it to be defeated. He asked if the Ordinance can be re-introduced or can a new one be written. He asked what the citizens have to do to get something done.

Mr. Howell stated we have a lot of laws on the books and if they are not enforced, it is not his fault.

Mr. Trout did have a copy of an Ordinance from another town that he would like Council to review and consider. Vice President McCollum asked to see a copy of it.
Mr. Trout will give the sample ordinance to the Secretary and she will make copies for each Council member.

Bill Cropper of 222 E. Avon Road asked Mr. Wills what kind of conditions would have to exist that a police officer could go on private property and charge an offender with reckless endangerment. Mr. Wills replied that the law requires a police officer have probable cause to believe the offender’s conduct places other residents in danger of bodily harm. A police officer must see, or observe, something in order to charge someone. Mr. Cropper then asked Mr. Wills if the Judge could toss the complaint and Mr. Wills replied yes.

Nick Capobianco of 226 E. Roland Road asked Vice President McCollum the reason why he left the last Council meeting while Mr. Capobianco was talking. Vice President McCollum replied that his reason was personal.

New Business:

The Secretary reminded everyone that the November Council meeting will be on November 16th due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and the December Council meeting will be held on December 14th due to the Christmas Holiday.

Ms. Catania did inform Council she will not be able to attend the November 2011 Council meeting due to prior commitments.

There being no further business, Ms. File-Barlow made a motion, seconded by Mr. Howell, that the meeting adjourn; motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

PARKSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL By:___________________________
Shirley Purcival, President

Linda E. Higgins, Secretary
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By Irish40
Good thing you posted these minutes

Seems like it takes an eternity for the minutes to be updated on the Parkside web site

Glaciers move faster.

WHo is in charge of the Parkside web site anyway? Whoever it is should be fired. get a new web master for crying out loud.