There is something to note that was in the DELCO Times today. At the past couple Council meetings; there was a proposal made by Spring Valasquez to construct a hiking trail.

This proposal by Spring will connect the hiking trail of the Wood Lot to Chester Park. This will allow people to freely walk to and from the Wood Lot and Chester Park via the newly constructed trail.

Ms. Catania has investigated the idea, and has spoke of possible grant money that could be obtained to construct the trail. Council has voted to explore the possibility.

Just to mention, it was something that was discussed at the last two Council meetings.
http://www.delcotimes.com/articles/2010 ... 730936.txt
Last edited by ElephantInTheRoom on Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
A few of the things that are really nice about the new trail in the park are the pavement, the lighting, the benches etc. The pavement is great because if necessary a police car can actually get down the trail - impossible right now with what's between the woodlot trail in the park road. It's also wider - and really it is safer - there are no tree roots to trip over, mud puddles to fall in - the benches provide a nice rest area and the trash cans are being utilized. I think it would be great if you could have a walking loop that connected all parts together.
There is some obvious changes the new trail will bring to the Wood Lot.

The new trail will certainly bring more foot traffic to the Wood Lot. People who frequent Chester Park will no doubt take notice of a new, and inviting trail to walk. Also, people who have never really noticed the Wood Lot before will certainly notice it now. This will certainly increase the numbers of people utilizing the Wood lot.

If I'm not mistaken, the newly proposed path would also make it easy to walk from Chester Park all the way to Park Vallei through the woods.
Add yet another benefit - the ability for adults and kids alike to ride bikes without worrying about car traffic - the only time you'd have to worry about cars is crossing Elkington Blvd from one portion of the trail to the next. I enjoy riding my bike on the trail (haven't yet been able to ride UP that big hill though :) ) and think it would be nice to be able to ride uninterrupted for a bit longer distance.
On a secondary note. This is an excellent example on how a single person can make major changes in our town. Spring is the only citizen who made this proposal about the Wood Lot. Out of some 2500 residents, this idea came from Spring and Spring alone. Council is acting on her idea. Spring attends most town meetings, so her voice is heard.

If you are one of those who likes to complain; don't complain if you don't attend town meetings and speak up. It can be argued that Spring is one of those few who sets policy in Parkside. She gets involved in the process.