By boxofrainman
I have to say I am very impressed with this Republican council. The first year they were in they did not raise taxes and brought forth a surplus. Also very impressed with how they want to work with the shopping centers we have now instead of building another one. Excellent Job! And I hear they have a lot of plans for this coming year. Great Job Ladies and Gentlemen you got my vote this election.
Signed a Happy Resident.
By boxofrainman
I have to say that this council has not gotten any help from the so called reporter. That meeting I attended and saw what was going on and the only thing she put in the Daily Times was parade awards I think all 4. She is not helping the republican council here I remember she use to put all kinds of stuff in when the D's ran the show. You guys should as for a different reporter. she is bad really bad and she doesn't hide it either. I say throw her out and get someone that will let the residents know whats going on she is to political. Make signs Loretta got to go!
By boxofrainman
All in All I feel for this young council they came in new and broke their backs and worked very hard and the reporter couldn't even recognize them a little. Thats not fair at all! Someone should say something. She is one sided and she does one hell of a job being that way. Give credit where credit is due.
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By Mr.Logical
boxofrainman wrote:All in All I feel for this young council they came in new and broke their backs and worked very hard and the reporter couldn't even recognize them a little. Thats not fair at all! Someone should say something. She is one sided and she does one hell of a job being that way. Give credit where credit is due.

Instead of belittling this reporter in public why don't one of the council people sit down and talk to them, maybe it is not what you think. What are some of the credits you speak of, express them here. I would like to know what credits you think should be reported on.
By groundhog
Wah, Wah, Wah, Boo Hoo Hoo. What's wrong Mrs. Boxofrain, isn't that reporter giving YOU enough publicity? For the sake of the people of Brookhaven, I sure hope you aren't a member of that young council. If that is so, then you really are showing a lack of experience and professionalism.
Hummm, I think I just might call that reporter and tell her all about the ZUMBA situation. Now, that's a real good story.
By ExJet
groundhog wrote:Wah, Wah, Wah, Boo Hoo Hoo. What's wrong Mrs. Boxofrain, isn't that reporter giving YOU enough publicity? For the sake of the people of Brookhaven, I sure hope you aren't a member of that young council. If that is so, then you really are showing a lack of experience and professionalism.
Hummm, I think I just might call that reporter and tell her all about the ZUMBA situation. Now, that's a real good story.

Groundhog, and your comments are professional?? Why in the world would you create a username of groundhog?? Is there a connection there? (They are in the RAT family you know). Your not due for another few weeks so back in the hole you go. We will ask for shadow comments then. Unless of course you are the Beverly Hillbillies Granny that is.
Don't forget the festivities when Brookhaven becomes all RepubliCAN and the Hope-and-dream tour wannabe s' crawl back into their holes after another tail beating. Lets face it you had your chance for years and nothing progessed in the borough. Now its clean up after groundhog time. Thoses messy, messy rat rodents.
Like Obammy supporters like to yell out, Get Over it. And all you groundhogs get back in your hole, Hah, Hah, Hah.
So call the amateur liberal reporter, who cares. Like most liberals they are scared off by their own shadow just like you Rat DEM grounghogs.
Have a nice day,
yours truly,
By boxofrainman
I don't want this to get out of hand I just made a comment about reporting thats all. No I'm not on council wouldn't know the first thing about it plus to old.I like this town and enjoy living here my wife loves tom jones its like the real brookhaven house wives in there. haha.