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TEA Party in Searchlight

PostPosted:Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:51 pm
by Jerrycurl
I was watching the TEA party rally in Nevada on Fox. Sarah Palin was really blowing the place up! She is one of the few main stream pols that really understands the mission. It's not about Republicans winning, although most conservatives are Republican. It's not about crushing Democrats, although the goal is to crush liberalism.

Hello, Tea Party is about stopping tax and spend liberals in Washington, smaller government, less regulation, free markets.

Remember this, govment does not award us with liberty. Freedom and liberty are God given truths that our founders saw a self-evident. Govment is a necessary evil to prevent anarchy, that needs to be restrained. Our Consitution is the leash that prevents the govment from running wild. Every law that is created by Congress REMOVES a small bit of your freedom and liberty.

This healthcare bill and the methods used to get it passed are an absolute outrage! Removed a small bit a liberty? This bill chopped of one of Liberty's legs.

Re: TEA Party in Searchlight

PostPosted:Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:27 am
by TAXi
Abolustely! Smaller government = lower taxes.

Re: TEA Party in Searchlight

PostPosted:Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:06 pm
by cranchi
The republicans ain't free and clear from blame. What pisses me off most is I didn't get a vote in the 2008 Republican primary. We got McCain handed to us as "the Candidate" before the PA primary. That system needs to change.

What I like about the TEA party is that it puts pressure on the Republicas to sharpen up thier pencils and put up REAL conservative candidates. The line in the sand was draw in New York for the Republicans, now we're seeing it again in Florida...either put up a REAL conservative or the Tea Party will. No more Rhinos!