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By Virginia Fitzpatrick
While I have been working at my computer upstairs, this cardinal has been pestering me for months. I assume he sees his reflection in the window. He did this every few minutes last month but he is tapering off now. He has driven me so nutty I started talking to him.

By Splicer
Great Videos, but they drive the dog bonkers. Any suggestions (non-lethal) for keeping squirrels from decimating bird feeders?
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By Virginia Fitzpatrick
Found a beautiful blue robin's egg this morning in my garden bed. Happy the baby had already hatched.
Officials from the Valley Forge Audubon Society came over to identify what plants and trees in my yard would or would not be beneficial to birds, bees, butterflies and wildlife. The Visit was organized by Edie Parnum as the Audubon Society's Co-Director of Backyards for Nature program. For more detail Click Here for BFN web site

Learned I had many spice bushes, black berries, black raspberries in addition to the elderberries and bee balm I already know about. While they were in my back yard, They identified the "pee wee" sound from the Eastern Wood-pewee click here for ID info . As they were leaving they saw a Blue Heron fly over my back yard - following along the creek.