Discussion related to hobbies, crafts, personal leisure activities etc...
By Aristto
Customer loyalty is an important definition that can be taken as part of the marketing philosophies and image of an enterprise, this has to do with the effective development of marketing that aims to achieve, through various strategies and techniques of marketing and sales, which originates when the consumer who has previously purchased any of our products or services continue buying us and become a regular customer or one that is motivated and does not decide but feels the confidence. Therefore, to maintain informed and captivated this consumer, is what, technically we denominated the loyalty based on the stupendous email marketing, where the support vita is sustained in strategies like a faithful client consumes more, with informative responsible and highly trustworthy character; as well as effective able to gain that confidence at the moment of deciding for a product and to establish commercial relations with your emprendimiento, in addition, it helps us to weaken the margin of the rival