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Continuing the posts already published here on the blog about the steps of inbound marketing regarding attracting customers and transforming them into leads, it's time to understand how to convert leads into consumers. That is, effectively closing sales and celebrating success in getting them through the buyer's journey. This is the third phase of the buying journey, corresponding to the act of guiding the lead to the solution of their problem. In it, the aim is to promote the finding of a solution capable of alleviating the client's difficulty by making available relevant materials according to their needs. To help close more sales, we present throughout the post the best possibilities with the aim of resolving questions from potential buyers. Interested? So, check it out below.

Good reading lead qualification leads can be divided into two types: marketing qualified leads (mqls) and sales qualified leads (sqls). While mql consists of a beginner, who has just entered the second stage of the buying journey and still needs to be nurtured and educated to reach conversion maturity, sql is already ready to buy. In other words: for conversion email database into sales, it is necessary to offer relevant content to this lead, in order to arouse their interest to advance in the funnel until the final stage. In the context of inbound marketing, this means deepening the bond and bringing the lead closer to the product made available by the company. Lead nurturing nurturing is the way possibilities are shown for the lead to advance towards the consideration stage of the sales funnel.

It is therefore important at this stage to start the final conversion by presenting the existing options. To do so, you can approach successful cases or how the company helps its customers to solve difficulties. It is then up to offer more information about the product to demonstrate the advantages of acquiring it. That is, it is time to show the brand differential. Lead scoring lead scoring consists of a technique that allows you to recognize, through automation processes, leads ready for conversion. This tool crosses profile information of potential customers with access to the site and product. For greater accuracy, it is customary to include the bounce rate . The technique helps determine what the sales team should focus on, as well as being a way to get into marketing automation.
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